2 min readMar 13, 2022


Life is unpredictable

A famous magician was known for his miraculous magic performances. When the King came to know about him, he was made to be present in the King’s court. Everyone was inquisitive about the magic he was going to perform. In order to surprise the king and to impress him, he made the King’s crown fly in the air, and within a fraction of a second, the crown vanished. The ministers in the court were awestruck to see this. And then there was a burst of deep loud laughter in the court. The King became furious as it was an insult for him. The magician was sentenced to death. He was given one week to live his life. After one week he was going to be hanged.

As he was approaching his death day, he appeared happier as compared to the previous day. This made everyone restless including the King. King asked him the reason behind his happiness. He said, “ You have only a few days to live and you look so happy?”

The magician said, “ These few days mean a lot to me, it's not less. So I want to be happy.” Everything will be alright. Finally, the day came and the magician was going to be hanged. In his last hours, he was literally in tears. The King asked, “ Now what happened to your happiness?” The magician said, “ I am working on a horse which will fly next year with the power of my magic. Unfortunately, my art will go along with me.”

The king became greedy and he said to the magician to continue with his work. Once he finishes his work he’ll be hanged. The King knew that with a flying horse he would conquer the world. the magician’s wife became very upset that how was he going to make a horse a flying horse? The magician consoled his wife saying one year mean a lot to him. Nothing to worry about. Everything will be alright. After three months the King died.

My dear friends, Life is unpredictable. Today is the day that is present. So live in it and live for it to the fullest. Grab each and every second and make it productive and prosperous.




A Changemaker Passionate to lead people from ‘Apprehension to Rejuvenation’. Motivating the world through my podcast Manju’s Metanoia on Spotify.