“There is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life.”
A wakeup call

2 min readSep 27, 2021


My favorite quote is “There is no such thing as ‘too late in life”, from ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’, by Mitch Albom. I do agree with this because it boosts my morale up. When we look at Professor Morrie’s life lessons from the death bed, given to his student Mitch, it takes us towards the depth of life.

Professor and his beloved student

Professor Morrie last hours teachings to his student Mitch

It’s all about not too late for anything new to start. It could be relationship building, learning new skills, forgiving, repenting, consoling, pacifying, apologizing, maybe cycling, and many more.

This quote reminds me that today is the day to act, now is the time to take the call. Though aging is inevitable, it’s not a barrier to hone the skills. The best role models are Nelson Mandela, Colonel Sanders, Martha Stewart, Samuel Jackson.

If not aging may be hesitation, ego, self-dignity, lethargy that pulls you back to chase your passion.

Let’s be optimistic enough to respond to this wake-up call and get rejuvenated because now we know it’s never ‘too late’.




A Changemaker Passionate to lead people from ‘Apprehension to Rejuvenation’. Motivating the world through my podcast Manju’s Metanoia on Spotify.